
Interview with artist: Oliver Fantasio Wetter

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In today’s post, we are bringing you an interview with an inspiring artist Oliver Wetter - a.k.a. Fantasio. Did you ever wonder how to overcome a creative block? Continue reading and find out what this great talent suggests.


- Hi Oliver! Can you tell our readers who are you, where are you located and what are you passionate about?

My name is Oliver Wetter, I’m a freelance Illustrator and a part-time lecturer for digital art, living and working in Germany near the border to Luxembourg, with my wife, daughter and two cats. I am most passionate about pop-culture and the challenge of creating digital art that makes a lasting impression.

- How has digital art changed since you’ve been working in it, in your opinion?

I notice that many who are starting out get a tablet and think with a bag of tricks from a magazine they can create art like the pros. But digital art is only a tool or a set of apps - the possibilities are endless and so is the room for making errors. With digital art it was never so rewarding to make errors and failing was never so much fun without Ctrl-Z/Cmd-Z. But even then, without tens or twenty thousand hours of practice it is just tools, nothing else. Meaning in art is a condensed experience. I believe where traditional artists can have mastered a craft with 10.000 hours a digital artist needs twice the time because experimenting has become part of the process and sometimes it leads to a unique style - but most often, and especially without a vision it is a waste of time.


 - Your artworks are fulfilled with a disarming atmosphere. Could you tell us why can we see so many women characters in your portfolio?

Thanks, I take this as a compliment. John Ciardi once said: "Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea.” I have no better idea, I love to paint women whenever possible, for me, it is always time well spent.


- What do you do when you have a creative block?

Actually, I never had a creative block so far. What I do to never run out of ideas and motivation is to pull inspiration from everywhere, movies, looking up new artworks from artists I admire, buy art books, watch the making of’s videos. The most important aspect to note is that I never compare my work to others, I don’t procrastinate and I try to avoid pressure or negative stress.

- Can you tell us anything more about the painting process of Oni Ni Tenome – your winning artwork in the Escape Motions Artwork Contest?

Absolutely! The piece itself was created for the Halloween release of our little art group called “Dark Realm Collective”. The topic I picked was “I can’t shake these demons”. Actually, it took me around 30 hours and 10 months to create this piece. The 30 hours was the actual time it took but since some other parts like the headdress and part of the background were done 10 months ago for a different piece (but unused) I think it makes sense to count it that way. The software I used was Photoshop CC 2014, Mandelbulb3d, Pixelmator, Flame Painter, Amberlight, Groboto, Alchemy and Isometric (iPad). The hardware is a PC with an Intel i7 processor, 1TB SSD, and 15GB Ram connected to a Wacom 13HD pen display. For the OSX apps such as Pixelmator, I use an older 2009 Macbook Pro and an iPad 3 for some generative art apps.


- Which feature do you fancy on Flame Painter? Is there anything you miss?

So far it is perfect, however, I’m obsessed with generative art lately and the one thing I’d fancy would be a kaleidoscope filter effect and some real-time mirroring with one or more axes.

- Could you give us any website tips that are your source of inspiration?

Sure thing; deviantArt is my main hub, here are some of my favorites for starters: I recommend finding good artists there and have a look at their favorites. The next stop would be Artstation and then DrawCrowd. Besides my Facebook stream and Twitter, these are the main places I go for inspiration.


- What is the oddest setting or painting you’ve been commissioned to do?

To be honest there is nothing I could add to the list. There were some weird requests so far - of course - but I haven’t accepted to do these. I do only commissions if I support the concept 100%.

- What would be your #1 advice to other artists?

Never give up. Life is a game and so is art. You can only level up if you understand the rules. 


Well said! Oliver, thank you very much for your time and we wish you many creative days!

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