Flame Painter 3.0.5 Update

May 28, 2014

Dear friends and all artists, from today you can update your Flame Painter 3 license to the new 3.0.5 version free of charge. You can update the PS plug-in to version 1.0.1 as well. But first of all, let us…

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Flame Painter 3: Released Today

April 29, 2014

Dear friends, today we are very pleased to announce the release of Flame Painter 3: new fresh and shiny upgrade with groundbreaking features such as Photoshop plug-in, HiRes renderer, Wacom, Leap Motion support and many more. We have been working hard for months,…

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Flame Painter 3: Details That Matter

April 23, 2014

In the previous blog posts, we presented you all the innovative features which will be available in the upcoming Flame Painter 3. In this blog we’d like to inform you about the pricing, changes in licensing and methods to upgrade.…

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Flame Painter 3: Next Big Improvements

April 15, 2014

Hello, our dear friends and fans! Today we’ll continue in our blog series in which we’d like to present you the next key features of the upcoming Flame Painter 3. We started with last week’s blog post, where we talked…

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Flame Painter 3: The New Era of Painting

April 8, 2014

Our beloved Flame Painter fans! When we were thinking about new features for Flame Painter 3, we didn’t have to think too much, because we are receiving tons of emails with your invaluable feedback, ideas and wishes. We are extremely thankful…

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Flame Painter 2.5.5 update and something big to come

April 2, 2014

Great news everybody! We have put together a small update squashing some minor flaws in the current version of Flame Painter 2.5 including: • fixed file dialog on Mac OS X• minor bug fixes• upgrade to version 3.0 directly from…

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New manuals and tutorials for Flame Painter 2.5

March 19, 2014

Hi! Hallo! ¡Hola! Ciao! Do you like Flame Painter, but a manual in English is too difficult for you to understand? We are bringing you three new translations for Flame Painter 2.5 manual:  German Spanish Italian With these translations, we expand our manual…

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Interview with artist: Iulia Khestanova

January 13, 2014

Dear readers, We are bringing you an interview with an inspirative artist and wonderful person Iulia Khestanova from Russia. Anyone who knows Flame Painter certainly must have seen Iulia’s beautiful artworks in our Gallery. We’ll talk about her inspirations, missed…

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Flame Painter for iPad 1.5 Update

January 7, 2014

Hello and welcome to year 2014 A.D.! We believe you’ve had a wonderful Christmas holidays. We’ve heard your comments and implemented the most important suggestions in the new 1.5 update. It is currently available for iPad with a special discounted inApp purchase. Download Flame…

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