Escape Motions - Back to Creativity 2024
20.12.2023 06:45

more of my "scumbling" brushes I made. check a few post above to download them from my google drive. 

21.12.2023 10:55

GurujotNM, some of those brushes are very close to Rutowski, like scu2 brushes in scrambling 2. I really thanks and I think Op if he still post here would enjoy them too.

21.12.2023 10:59

If someone from the rebelle team could look at GurujotNM set posted in the previous page and make brushes like scu2 from scrambling 2 but with real impasto loading effect in the futur (is it even possible now) it would be awesome!

21.12.2023 11:29

I'm glad you enjoy the brushes. If you want impasto just turn up the slider for Max impasto height. I kept it on zero to get a dry brush effect, but that's an easy change. 

For most of these brushes, you can do the same. 

21.12.2023 11:50

Also, for anyone reading this thread. Try out the pre-loaded grunge brushes in Rebelle 7. They are pretty cool. You can turn off the impasto, and the resizing with pen pressure if you want.

I think these brushes are the easiest way to get some of the effects mentioned earlier in this thread by LunaticRob. Here are some PS brush tests he posted earlier in the thread. 

The cool thing about Rebelle is being able to change from paint, to paint and blend, blend, and erase. Switching between these with applying less and more pressure with any of these brushes can get you a lot of variation and control. Here is a quick test using the scu5 brush. just as an example. 

16.03.2024 09:17

@GurujotNM - Thanks for the brushes and the examples! I'll download them and give them a spin and let you know what I think. 

I've been meaning to post an update to this thread, since version 7 has once again improved in the area of scumbling/dry brush. It has gotten easier to achieve the look I want, and I think at this point, all that's left on my wishlist for the brush engine is dynamic bristles and even thicker impasto. 

By dynamic bristles, I mean bristles that will splay apart or clump together according to pressure, tilt, and direction, and they will splay apart with different spacings and angles between the groups of bristles so it's not just a static arrangement getting bitter and smaller like it is now. Photoshop has this and its one of the only reasons left for me to still use Photoshop for drawing/painting. (That, and the available dry media brushes for Photoshop is vastly superior, with lots of different variety, but more important, with more interesting varieties that look very expressive.)

As for even thicker impasto, I know there are plenty of other Rebelle users who want this. Ideally we can have it as thick as we could in real life, where you're basically sculpting with paint. 

Here's a painting I did with version 7. I don't know how much of what you see is only achievable with version 7's updated brushes and engine, since I don't keep track of what brushes I used, but I do remember I tried to use as much of the new and updated brushes as possible. 


31.03.2024 12:58

These brushes are fantastic, thank you so much GurujotNM!

03.04.2024 07:51

I am also very interested in the scumbling ability. I just tried a master copy of one of the Schmid pictures you posted to see what I could do. One thing I am learning is that switching between #2 (paint & mix) and #3 (paint and blend) helps with the expressive strokes. Also the Sumi britsle is great. I copied it to my Oil & Acrylics - and go back and forth with the Watercolor sumi bristle to make interesting textures - I think I could tweek them more to get that wet and dry scumbling look. I with there was a turp brush that worked like an eraser but left a streaky trasparent color. 
Schmid copy testing scumbling