13.08.2022 06:32

Hello everyone,

I have reposted my message in this forum as the General is overtaken by spam. I hope this is ok.

I am new to digital painting and currently evaluating Rebelle, with hopes to purchase it. I am trying to replicate overhand grip, drawing with the side of my pencil, similar to life drawing with charcoal pencils. Can Rebelle do this? I would like to confirm before purchasing now that it is on sale. I've attached a test sample from Corel Painter for your viewing to see what I mean. Soft broad side strokes and finer thin lines as the pencil approaches writing position.

So far the only brush I've found that works like this in Rebelle is the "craft flat" pencil. Are there any other brushes I can evaluate or somehow modify my own for this purpose? I have tried the demo of Realistic Paint Studio it is has exactly what I want, just it lacks charcoal brushes.

Here are some more demonstrations to further explain. So far on my iPad, the Proko Pencil for Infinite Painter works wonderfully out of the box. You can see it here.

Infinite Painter



Brent Eviston


Thank you kindly.


20.08.2022 04:19

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone can help me with this? I have tested Realistic Paint Studio and the brushes are great. I've attached a screenshot to provide an example of what I am hoping to achieve with Rebelle. Thank you.


20.08.2022 05:12

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but YES Rebelle can do pencil broadsides.  Go into the Brush Creator panel and increase the Max Size Capacity of the brush (pencil) that you are using.  I set it to the max, 700.  Then increase the Tip Tilt.

There are many other settings that can be adjusted and different tip shapes and textures you can play with.  Here is a screenshot of just a random choice, 6B, that I used for this.  I tried to do a single line with width variation by tilting my stylus.

Hope this helps.

20.08.2022 06:20

Hi Michael!

Thank you very much for your assistance. I have tried what you instructed but have a few questions.

1. My Tip Tilt is locked at 70. I can only change the curve. How can I edit this?

2. Right now when I make a stroke on its side, there is no gradient from the tip to the end. It's all one value. If you see my picture of Realistic Paint Studio, you will see what I mean. How can I achieve this?

3. Drawing with the tip is extremely thick. How can I make it so it's thin while maintaining the width you have designed for tilt?

4. Lastly, how do I get varied textures like my screenshot in the above post?


Thank you kindly.


21.08.2022 05:56

I'll try to explain how to unlock the tip size.  It will have to be some time tomorrow as I have some complications going on right now and I will have to do a couple of screen grabs again to illustrate.

I almost never use the pencil category so I cannot answer how to get the gradient from tip to end (of stroke?)  Hopefully someone else will see this thread and be able to give you an answer.  This is to a very active forum so you have to be patient some times.

Here is a link to a friend of mine who has done a number of instructional videos on Rebelle 5.  His name is Justice Frangipane.  If you scroll through some of his videos you might find some answers as he goes pretty in-depth on the entire program whereas I use just a fraction of it.


I will try to get the screenshots out tomorrow.

21.08.2022 06:18

I decided to do the scree grab before turning in for the night here.

Forgive my shaky lines in the sample here

As for getting the textures you have to play with the brush tip texture at the top of the Brush Creator Window.  There are brush shapes (on the left) and Brush textures on the right.  Click on them and they will bring up a window of default shapes and textures you can choose from.  You can also create your own.  Once again I refer you to Justice Frangipane's YouTube videos on the Brush Creator.  He does an excellent job of quickly explaining how those elements can be used.


Again I don't know about the tip to end gradient.  I do know that even thought the administrators don't get to the forum as often as we'd like them to, they do read the posts and they really do an amazing job of trying to answer support threads and to implement a lot of the suggestions people have put forth.  As far as I know they are a small team but I love this program.  I mostly use the Oils and Acrylics category, coming from a background as an easel painter and traditional illustrator for over 50 plus years.

I hope you get answers to your questions.  Sorry I couldn't answer everything.


22.08.2022 04:28


Thank you so much for your detailed response, most appreciated. I will test everything tomorrow and get back to you.

Kind regards.

02.09.2022 01:29
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio
Hi @jonnym,
I talked about this with Peter and he would like to see how the tilt is working for you. Can you please record a short video?
Use a default brush, let's say 4H - make sure the changes are reverted and the brush is in its default state.
How is painting with this brush working? How is tilt working? Please show both on a video.
What tablet are you using, please?
08.09.2022 04:14

Here is a great little video released today on youTube about tilt and pencil settings.


Good luck!

09.09.2022 10:14
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

It is also recommended to adjust the curve of the Tip Tilt:

You can also move the point to the left to achieve the change in the size with a lower tilt.