11.10.2022 02:52

I shared this with my Discord friends (the redacted bit is me swearing in excitement LOL). 

Shared with discord friends

Please forgive me I have ADHD and an excitable mind xD 

Also a maths disability so the numbers are everywhere. HOWEVER: the important bit is that friends have been told, and example artwork that can be done with these programs has also been shared e.g:

A catte

I did end up getting ALL THE THINGS in the end and have been spamming my poor friends with all sorts of stuff, lol.


11.10.2022 02:53


11.10.2022 03:16

I just posted on my Twitter about the offer, and honestly its an amazing one

11.10.2022 03:17

Just posted about this on my twitter! Here's a screenshot


11.10.2022 03:19

I hope this counts! It's a conversation between me & one of my friends who is also a digital artist and we both love the way Rebelle looked and copied the same rules as traditional art. She downloaded the demo and fell in love and ended up purchasing it for $10 :] its safe to say we are both happy and satisfied with it. I told her about it along with showing her a few pieces I did on it. This is def a purchase I won't regret. Rebelle is wonderful for people like myself who want to replicate traditional art but don't have the money/space for canvases, brushes, paint, etc.