18.12.2022 02:34
James Oliver

When I paint with a brush like an airbrush on a layer mask, I get a stepped effect. It isn't smooth. This behavior is different from painting on a normal layer with the same brush. It is as if the edge of the brush alpha image, its background, is being mixed in, as if its effect isn't zero. See this image:

layer mask problem

I have the white paper underneath. Then I have a solid black layer on top. The white mark on the left I painted with an airbrush with a white color directly onto that layer. The mark on the right was created by adding a layer mask and then painting a black stroke on it using the same airbrush tool as before, such that we see through the black layer to the paper underneath. You can clearly see the problem. :)

I love this software and am very glad that layer masks are now an option. I understand that there are a few bugs like this with a fresh new release. I look forward to an update that solves this! :)

20.12.2022 02:17
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Thank you, we will look into this! If we have more questions, we will be in touch.

11.01.2023 02:35
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio


We are currently working on the 6.0.4 update, hopefully, this will be fixed. Please try it once Rebelle 6.0.4 is out and let us know whether the issue persist or not.

18.01.2023 07:30
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

The issue has been fixed to Rebelle 6.0.4, you can download the update from your account's purchases.

19.01.2023 02:12
James Oliver

That's working better. Thank you!