12.02.2024 05:13

About one year ago, I asked EM about the feature of painting a selection with a brush.
They answered, to take this into consideration... I was in good hope, this would show up in version 7, but unfortunatelly – no.

This would really speed up the painting process and creativity without fiddling around and having a mess with selections.

E.g PS, Affinity Photo and CLSP have it. You can paint a selection and by lifting off the pen, it automatically generates a selection. Further brushing adds to it and with the alt/option - key you paint remove it. (Craig Mullins is constantly using this when painting in PS ...!)

So please, please, implement it, too. Don't wait until version 8.


13.02.2024 11:15


Although I fully comply with this request.
But I have my doubts that this will happen
in the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, how about simply painting your desired
selection shape with black or red color on a separate layer
and selecting it with the magic wand? I used Pencil
Digital Round Hard
for that.

The Selection itself works also across multiple layers.
You can even save your selection temporarily by creating
a Stencil from the Selection.


13.02.2024 12:04


You're absolutley right and I do it the same way! Additionally, if I want to reuse it, add a layer mask and so on...

For me personally, everything that gets things done easier is appreciated. The less workarounds, the more intuitiv and creative the painting process.

Maybe someone from EM will chime in ?!

13.02.2024 01:02

... everything that gets things done easier is appreciated. The less
workarounds, the more intuitiv and creative the painting process....

totally agree

For me Rebelle has a lot of catching up to do when it
comes to everyday Digital Tools miss expand and shrink
a Selection too. You can create a Stencil from a Selection
but not a Selection from a Stencil and many more.




13.02.2024 06:39

Yes, they have to catch up. ;-)

For me, there is a difference between "nice to have" and "needed for workflow". Instead of looking for vancy effects and sort of crazy stuff, I would like to see some basics to be improved. Still we have to make many workarounds and unnecessary clicks.

It is all about focus and workflow to free creativity.

17.02.2024 10:47

@2Dpainter i sometimes do this. But i add this:

Don't use wand selection. Instead, Command+click (or Control+Click on WIndows) over the layer thumbnail. It will make a full selection of the layer content, excluding the transparency.

In adition to that, the layer don't need to ve visible. This works even if the layer isn't visible. This is very useful if, for example you are painting in manga style, you paint the flats with Clip STudio (it has options like fill gaps ir inset the painting) and export as PSD.

18.02.2024 06:42


I'm a little late, but thank you for your tip