18.04.2024 01:18


I'm new to digital arts, started 2 months ago on Krita, no previous exposure to drawing or painting before that.

I noticed that sketching with graphite pencils on Rebelle 7 (free trial version) doesn't exactly feel the same as on Krita. Is it a setting issue? I'm having a hard time to pinpoint exactly what's different, I just feel that it's ''smoother'' on Krita.

I use a xp pen drawing tablet.

If anyone has any suggestion, I'm interested.



18.04.2024 10:49
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Hi ZoidbergQC,

Thank you for your feedback!

Try to adjust the Line Smoothing options in Rebelle, especially position smoothing:


You can also turn off the Position Smoothing completely - click the X button.

Does this resolve the issue?


19.04.2024 02:07

I much  prefer mark making in Rebelle over Krita.  Feels more like real media to me.

OTOH, it is possible to set KB shortcuts to rotate brushes in Krita ... :)

20.04.2024 09:08

Ah, yes, thank you. Disabling position and pressure smoothing did the job. I guess those are turned off by default on Krita.

Sorry for my late response.