19.06.2024 01:28

I used a wacom with rebelle 5, 6 and 7 for the past couple years and have had no issues, but as of recently I got an xp pen tablet. I tried it out with rebelle, and it was bad. broken ugly brushes and a stroke that doesn't follow the actual shape of the brush on screen.

Come to learn xp pen doesn't even have good tilt. so i write it off as a lost cause and put the xp pen away, and bring my wacom back.

I use the program again, and the problems persist. I struggle to change the tablet settings from windows ink to wacom compatible again as it's stuck on windows ink, but i update some drivers, completely uninstall the xp pen drivers, and try again. (multiple computer resets through all of this) 

even with the wacom compatible settings in place, the buggy brushes persist

a single paint stroke which has broken

(this is a default flat oil brush)

my workflow for the past couple years has focused on the convenience of the paint always going down where the cursor shows, so these jagged strokes that just go wherever they feel and only follow the cursor half the time havent been very fun. enabling/disabling windows ink within wacom driver settings does not make a difference.
I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling rebelle, removing the settings folder so it's completely fresh, but for some reason the issues persist

I'm going to try more reinstalling drivers and resetting my computer and report back on how it goes, but i havent been able to fix this issue after a week of trying so i really just gotta get it all out now and see if there are any suggestions.

19.06.2024 02:07

though to add if there's any way to fix this with XP pen as well (issue is identical) then i'd also be glad to hear it. i sort of assumed it was only an xp pen issue since it was generally a troublesome tablet. didn't expect it to carry over to my wacom

21.06.2024 11:07
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Hi promostuff,

Thanks for your feedback!

This seems like an issue with conflicting drivers. When Rebelle does not detect Wacom driver, it switches to Windows Ink which happened in your case.

Please make sure all XPPen drivers are uninstalled. Afterwards, reinstall Wacom drivers.

Set Wacom (Wintab) in Rebelle, close and reopen. Does the Wacom (Wintab) settings remain?

You mentioned you deleted Rebelle settings, but I am not sure which part. So let's try to run Rebelle with default settings first, so we are 100% sure these issues did not arise from some conflicting settings (do this after removing the XPPen and reinstallaion of Wacom drivers).

Here's how:

1. Open Rebelle 7, go to the Main Menu > Help > Show Library Folder... - you will see the main Rebelle user folder
2. Close Rebelle 7 but keep the folder opened
3. Rename Rebelle 7 folder to any other name
4. Run Rebelle 7 - you will be asked to register again, Rebelle will run with the default settings

How is it going?


21.06.2024 05:13

before making the post, i completely removed the xp pen drivers and the issue persisted

After that, the wacom settings didn't stick when i tried setting them, but eventually i completely uninstalled and reinstalled the wacom drivers and the setting finally stuck. the issues shown in the gifs persisted at that point

after uninstalling and wiping rebelle settings (which by that i mean backing up some custom materials and removing the entire library folder that's left behind after uninstalling so that it acted like a fresh install on a new computer. and yeah i did it before you mentioned renaming the folder so for anyone looking back on this for future reference, thats a good non-destructive option lol) it did default to wacom and I'm having a better time with it now

sometimes the brush still desyncs with the cursor and snaps back but honestly it took me a lot of tries to capture this

Overall with the fresh reinstall of basically everything it is working a LOT better!
Thank you for your time.