04.07.2024 07:34

I'm sorry, if this the wrong place to put my question, but I don't think it's a "bug". I'm fairly new to Rebelle and found it hard to google my question - no one else seems to be bothered by this ^^"

I'm used to regular digital art programs like photoshop and I feel like rebelle is fundamentally different. Some of it is a bit irritating to me and I would like to find out how to work with it properly. When I blend oils it feels like the white of the canvas get swept up as well and mixed in with the colours I actually wanna mix. Am I hallucinating? What am I doing wrong? I noticed a similar behaviour when using the marker brush to "burn" I'm on a layer that only has an outline on it. I initially made this outline red. now I feel that I want to darken it in places. So I found the burn marker and got to burning, but instead of just making my line darker it also "burns" the page. I don't wanna have to pay attention not to "paint over" the line I created, I need a tool to quickly darken _only_ what is on the layer. Am I using the wrong tool? Is there another tool? Can I switch off that tools interact with the colour of the paper? I like how they interact with the texture, tho.

Thanks a bunch!

04.07.2024 08:35



you can try this way
duplicate the Layer with your painting
and select the Layer > right Mouse click
"clipping Mask"

see Picture here