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Color Management

Color management is the entire system on your computer that is used for accurate color communication between hardware and software. Each device you use to work with a design or photo (such as a digital camera, scanner, monitors, printers, etc.) has its own color settings. If these specifications are ignored during opening, editing, or saving, the colors of the image may be damaged.

Color management describes the characteristics of your digital camera's inputs, to control the display of an image on your monitor, or to set the exact printout of what you see on the monitor. It is also necessary to transfer images from one software to another without problems with color mismatches. Rebelle lets you manage the colors via the ICC profiles.

Color Management is available in Rebelle Pro edition.

Set up the ICC profile via New Artwork Window

When creating a New Artwork via File > New you are able to select from the list of RGB color profiles. These profiles are detected by Rebelle automatically from your system. If you would like to use a different ICC profile, you would need to install it first to your system.

If you do not want to use the color management and assign a profile to your Rebelle artwork, select "Don't color manage". This option uses your monitor profile as the working space. It removes any embedded profiles when opening images, and does not tag when saving.

Assign Profile...

Assign a profile to your current document via the menu Edit > Assign Profile...
"Assign Profile..." lets you tag an image with a specified profile or untag an image by removing its profile. It does not do any conversions; it simply attaches a description to the numbers in the image or removes one.

Use Assign Profile... to decide what RGB color profile should be attached to your current document. It lets you preview the results of applying various profiles.

Assign Profile... dialog offers these options:

  • Discard profile (Don't color manage) - If you have a tagged document, you can choose to discard the current profile.
  • Preferred Profile - Choose the preferred RGB profile which you previously selected in the New Artwork window or via Color Management Preferences.
  • Profile - Choose from the lists of available RGB color profiles. The numbers in the image are preserved, but they are interpreted according to the profile you assign.

Convert to Profile...

Convert the current document to a profile via the menu Edit > Convert to Profile...

"Convert to Profile..." lets you convert a document from its profile space (or, in the case of an untagged document, the current working space) to any other profiled space, with full control over how the conversion is done.

The Convert to Profile... dialog displays the source profile and lets you specify a destination profile and other options. It lets you preview the results so that you can see the effects of conversion before confirming.

The Convert to Profile... dialog offers these options:

  • Destination - Choose the destination color profile.
  • Intent - The gamut is the color space that a device can reproduce. Rendering intents decide what to do with the out-of-gamut colors:
    • Perceptual - With Perceptual, colors are generally desaturated in order to preserve their perceived relationship. This can make for very smooth transitions between colors.
    • Relative Colorimetric - Relative Colorimetric tries to reproduce colors with as little desaturation as possible. Out-of-gamut colors are moved to the nearest point within the gamut.
    • Saturation - The Saturation rendering intent is similar to Perceptual, except that more saturation is preserved at the expense of hue accuracy.
    • Absolute Colorimetric - Absolute Colorimetric tries to reproduce colors scaled to the white point of the source color space. This is mainly used when proofing colors.
  • Use Black Point Compensation - Black point compensation (BPC) helps maintain shadow detail when converting between source and destination color spaces.

Set up Color Management in Preferences

Open the Color Management Preferences via Edit menu > Color Management or by using shortcut Ctrl + Shift + K on Windows / Cmd + Shift + K on macOS:

Default color profile for new artworks

Default profile - Select a default RGB profile preference for your next new artworks.


Current profile - Displays the current profile of the artwork.

Rendering intent - Choose from Perceptual, Relative Colorimetric, Saturation and Absolute Colorimetric.

Choose to use Black point compensation for the rendering intent.


File open behavior - Choose what Rebelle should do when opening a new file with a color profile:

  • Keep embedded profile - Rebele automatically keeps the original embedded profile of the file.
  • Convert to preferred RGB color profile - Rebelle automatically converts the color profile to the preferred RGB color profile set up within the software.
  • Ask what to do - Rebelle asks what to do with the color profile of the file.

Paste/import images without profile - Choose what Rebelle should do when you paste or import images without a color profile to the software:

  • Assume sRGB - Rebelle will assume the image has a sRGB color profile.
  • Assume monitor profile - Rebelle will assume the image has a color profile of the monitor.
  • Assume workspace profile - Rebelle will assume the image has a color profile of the workspace.
  • Ask each time - Rebelle asks each time what color profile to assign to the pasted and imported images.


Monitor profile - Set up your monitor's profile.

Rendering intent - Choose from Perceptual, Relative Colorimetric, Saturation and Absolute Colorimetric.

Proof Colors

Soft proofing profile - Set up the color profile for soft proofing colors.

Rendering intent - Choose from Perceptual, Relative Colorimetric, Saturation and Absolute Colorimetric

Choose to use Black point compensation for the rendering intent.

Gamut warning - Choose the color of the gamut warning.

Proof Colors

Soft proofing lets you see what an image would look like when reproduced on a different output device, for example on a different monitor or when printed.

Set up the soft proofing color profile via the Color Management Preferences.

Enable the color proofing option via the menu View > Proof Colors or by hitting the shortcut Ctrl + Y on Windows / Cmd + Y on macOS.

Gamut Warning

The color gamut describes the full range of colors that the printer can reproduce. If a spot color cannot be reproduced within the user-specified tolerance, Rebelle will show you the gamut warning:

Enable the gamut warning via the menu View > Gamut Warning or by hitting the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Y on Windows / Cmd + Shift + Y on macOS.