Rebelle Interface¶
- Menu Bar
- Tools Panel
- Properties Panel
- Brushes Panel
- Navigator Panel
- Color Panel
- Layers Panel
- Brush Creator Panel
- Preview Panel
- Volume Presets Panel
- Reference Image Panel
- Tilt Panel
- Structures Panel
- Stencils Panel
- Visual Settings Panel
- Rulers
- Mixing Palette Panel
- Record Time-lapse Panel
- Paths Panel with Library
Working with Panels¶
Most of Rebelle’s functions and tools can be accessed from its panels. Each may be opened, closed, and resized, at any time. The full set can be found under the main menu > Window. Panels may float freely, or they can be docked at either side of the Rebelle application window. To dock a panel, drag it to your preferred side of the interface and release it there.
All panels are dockable on the left and right of the interface window - you can also change positions and adjust their width. Panels hide automatically while you are painting on the canvas behind them.
Two or more panels can be nested within the dock by dragging one panel onto another. Identifying tabs will appear above the combined title bar. To remove a nested panel, you can either close it or drag its back beyond the dock. To close a panel, click its ‘Close’ button or choose Close under the panels' own menu identified by the icon.
You can also dock the Tools, Properties, Brushes and Navigator panels at the top or bottom of the user interface. Select this option in Preferences > General > Interface.
Find default keyboard shortcuts for opening/closing a panel in Edit menu > Keyboard Shortcuts > Window. You can customize these shortcuts anytime.
You can collapse every panel or open the panel’s menu via the buttons present in the top left and right corner of each panel:
- Collapse Panel - Click to collapse the panel.
- Panel Menu - Click to open the panel menu.
Desktop and Tablet Mode¶
Rebelle interface can be switched from desktop to tablet mode using the TAB shortcut. The tablet mode lets you focus on the canvas without any unnecessary distractions of the user interface. When you need a certain panel, you can open it by using the appropriate shortcut.
Set up how the desktop and tablet mode should work by going to Edit > Preferences > General. Here you can adjust the following:
When the interface is in Tablet mode, show panels:
- Under the cursor - The panel will open under the cursor.
- In the last position - The panel will open in the last position you used.
- In the center of the screen - The panel will open in the center of your screen.
Show only one panel at once when in Tablet mode. - Check this option to see only one panel at once. The previously opened panel will automatically close when you open another panel.
Always undock the panel instead of hiding when Tablet mode is off. - Check this option to undock the panel from the user interface when you close it with a shortcut.
Interface Theme¶
You can select between the default dark interface or a light theme via Preferences > General > Interface > Theme. Click OK to confirm - the theme of the interface will be changed immediately.
You can customize Rebelle’s interface according to your needs. Below are a few layout examples:
You can save your panel layout by choosing Window > Export Layout. To open a previously saved layout, choose Window > Import Layout.
Video tutorial
Learn more about Rebelle’s user interface and how to customize it in this video: User Interface and its Customization.