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Brush Creator: Stroke


Max Size (px) - Set the maximum size per brush in pixels (10-700).

Size Jitter - Specify how the size of brush stamps varies in a stroke up to (but not exceeding) the size value specified in the Properties panel (0-100):

Pen Pressure - Set how the size of the brush should be influenced by the pressure of the tablet pen (-100 - 100). Negative values will invert the pressure results:

Size 100

Size -100

Video tutorial

Learn about Rebelle's Pressure settings in this video: Pressure Settings.

Open Curve Editor - Open the Curve Editor to adjust how the pressure of the stylus influences various settings of the brush.


When a change has been made in the Curve Editor, the slider for the setting will be grayed out and the curve settings will be used.

Curve Editor: Size - Edit the Pen Pressure curve for the size of the brush. If you make a linear curve, the size of the stroke will grow linearly with the pressure of your tablet pen.

With the curve on the left, the size of the stroke will tend to be closer to the minimum size of your drawing tool, unless you apply a lot of pressure on your tablet pen.

The curve on the left will make the size of the stroke be closer to the maximum size of your drawing tool unless you apply very little pressure on your tablet pen.

Example of various strokes using different curve settings: linear pressure (upper), hard pressure (middle) and soft pressure (bottom).

Tip Tilt - Set the tilt sensitivity of the brush (0-100). Tilt allows shading just like a real pencil when the stylus is tilted at an angle. Click the button to open the Tip Tilt Curve Editor where you can adjust the curve for the width and height of the brush stroke when using the tilt of the stylus. Below are examples of various tip tilt curves:

1. Tip Tilt Disabled - The curve below shows the inactive tip tilt, the height of the brush stroke does not change with the tilt of the stylus:

2. Large Height - The more you tilt your stylus, the larger the height of the brush stroke will be. It works the same way as if you used a pencil in the traditional painting, the more you tilt it, the larger the area you are going to paint with:

3. Small Height - The more you tilt your stylus, the smaller the height of the brush stroke:

4. Large Width - When the stylus is in the perpendicular position to the trajectory of the stroke (in the example below it is the stroke going from the bottom left to the upper right), there is no change in size. When the stylus is in line (parallel) to the trajectory of the stroke (the stroke going from upper left to bottom right), the size of the stroke is going to increase:

5. Small Width - When the stylus is in the perpendicular position to the trajectory of the stroke (in the example below it is the stroke going from the bottom left to the upper right), there is no change in size. When the stylus is in line (parallel) to the trajectory of the stroke (the stroke going from upper left to bottom right), the size of the stroke is going to decrease:

Use precise Tip Tilt - Activate this option to eliminate issues with brush stepping when Tip Tilt brush feature is used at a cost of performance.

The picture on the left shows an example of the precise tip tilt setting.
The 'Use precise Tip Tilt' is activated on the stroke on the left and deactivated on the stroke on the right.


Opacity - Set the multiplier for the opacity (1-100x). Set the opacity of the custom brush (1-100). Overlapping parts of the brush stamps will build up additional opacity.

Opacity 25

Non-linear Opacity - If this setting is disabled, the Loading/Opacity slider changes the opacity of the brush linearly.

When enabled, the opacity multiplier has a more pronounced effect on the Loading/Opacity slider (as it was in Rebelle 6).

Opacity Jitter - Specify how the opacity of paint varies in a brushstroke, up to (but not exceeding) the opacity value specified on the Opacity slider (0-100):

Pen Pressure - Set how the opacity of the brush should be influenced by the pressure of the tablet pen (-100 - 100). Negative values will invert the pressure results:

Opacity 100

Opacity -100

Open Curve Editor - Open the Curve Editor to adjust how the pressure of the stylus influences various settings of the brush.

Curve Editor: Opacity - Edit the Pen Pressure curve for the opacity of the brush. It works similarly to the curve editor for the size of the brush, only the opacity is influenced. If you make a linear curve, the opacity of the stroke will grow linearly with the pressure of your tablet pen.

Example of strokes made with curves from the example above, but used for controlling the opacity instead of the size: linear pressure (upper), hard pressure (middle) and soft pressure (bottom).


Spacing - Control the distance between the brush stamps (1-200). Each brush stamp is spaced apart along the stroke by a set value. Value 100 is equal to the actual full size of the brush stamp:

Spacing 1

Spacing 50

Spacing 100

Spacing Jitter - Randomized spacing (0-100):

Scatter - Brush scattering randomizes the placement of brush stamps in a stroke up or down relative to the baseline of the stroke (0-100):

Smudge Scatter Mode - Choose between Parallel and Perpendicular smudge scatter modes:
Parallel - This mode smudges the scattered brush stamps parallel to the direction of the brush stroke.
Perpendicular - This mode smudges the scattered brush stamps perpendicular to the direction of the brush stroke.

Smudge - Select whether the brush stamp of the wet media (oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink pen) should be smudged or not. When the Smudge is active, the brush stamps are smudged together to reduce the appearance of the individual marks.

Smudge on Paper Bumps - Enable this option to smudge the lines in the stroke on paper bumps when painting quickly or when changing the pressure:

Smudge on paper bumps OFF (top) vs. Smudge on paper bumps ON (bottom).

Open Curve Editor - Open the Curve Editor for the 'Smudge on Paper Bumps' option to adjust how the pressure of the stylus or the speed of painting influences how the strokes smudge on paper bumps.

Smudge Density - Control the brush stroke density detail when the Smudge is used. The higher the value, the more detailed the brush stroke is but painting becomes slower for larger brushes:

The default value is set to '60'. When Smudge Density is set to '90', the splats are rendered on canvas with a distance of a maximum of 1 pixel, which is the recommended high-quality detail. When Smudge Density is set over '90', the splats are rendered on canvas with a distance of less than 1 pixel.

Video tutorial

Learn more about Rebelle's Stroke settings in this video: Brush Creator: Stroke