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Color Panel

You can choose your brush color in the Color panel.
Close & reopen the Color panel from the Window menu or by tapping the F6 shortcut.

The Color panel is split into four sections which can be revealed or hidden independently of each other:

Color Wheel
Color Sliders
Color History
Color Set

Color Wheel

Show or hide the color wheel using the button in the Color panel.

Actual (Primary) Color - Set the color you are going to paint with.

Secondary Color - Set the secondary color. You can switch between the primary and secondary colors by clicking on the secondary color or by tapping Ctrl + \ on Windows or Cmd + \ on macOS.

Color Palette - Select a brush color from the color palette or enter exact numerical parameters to set your required color.

Switch between circle (color wheel) and square color palette via the Color Panel Menu > Color Wheel.

You can switch between HSV, HSL, HSLuv and RGB color models via the Color Panel Menu > Color Wheel:

H - Brush hue (0 - 359)

S - Brush saturation (0 - 255)

L/V - Brush luminance/value (0 - 255)


R - Red (0-255)

G - Green (0-255)

B - Blue (0-255)


RGB is a device-dependent color model - different devices/monitors may reproduce a given RGB value differently.

HSLuv - HSLuv allows you to define a color based on three dimensions - hue, saturation, and lightness - but contrary to an HSL color model based on RGB, this color model is based on CIELUV color space so two colors with an identical lightness value will look equally bright, have better saturation and hue uniformity.

Use the keyboard shortcuts to quickly increase/decrease hue, saturation and lightness or set warmer or cooler colors:

  • to increase Hue/Red use Alt + H. To decrease, use Alt + Shift + H.

  • to increase Saturation/Green use Alt + S. To decrease, use Alt + Shift + S.

  • to increase Lightness/Blue, use Alt + L. To decrease, use Alt + Shift + L.

  • to set warmer color, use Alt + W (a linear transformation of Hue value towards red as warmer color).

  • to set cooler color, use Alt + C (a linear transformation of Hue value towards blue as cooler color).

Grids - Divide the color palette into grids for a more precise color selection. Activate the grid by holding Ctrl (or Cmd) key and clicking on the palette or via the Color Panel Menu > Color Wheel > Grid:

Circle color palette with 7x7 and 36 grids. Square color palette with 5x5 and 12 grids.

Color Sliders

Show or hide the color sliders of the selected color wheel (HSV, HSL, HSLuv, RGB) using the button in the Color panel.

View additional settings for the color sliders via Color Panel Menu > Color Sliders:

Lightness - Show the Lightness slider from the Color panel menu. This slider shows the whole spectrum of the selected color and allows you to pick a color from it.

HEX - Enter the hexa number (#xxxxxx) of the color.

Color History

Show or hide the color history using the button in the Color panel.

Color History - Open the list with all previously used colors.

View additional settings for the color history via Color Panel Menu > Color History:

  • Icon Size - Set small / medium / large / extra large icons for the color swatches in the history panel.
  • Clear History - Clear the current color history.

Color Set

Show or hide the color set using the button in the Color panel.

Color Set - A palette of the swatches of the selected color set. You can add custom colors - they will be saved for a further painting project even when an application is closed.

You can choose your brush color also from the Color Set - either from the default or your custom color sets.

Mix Color - Switch the "Mix Color" button on or hold X on your keyboard to mix the picked color with the previous color. You can mix colors from the color set, palette or canvas.

Example: If you want your red color to be more orange in tint, click on the orange color swatch or orange pixel on canvas - the spectrum will move towards the red-orange tint. The more you click on the orange color, the more orange tint it gets.

/ - Add and remove colors from the color set.


Set the Mix Color Sensitivity by going to Preferences > Color.

Color Set Library - Open the Color Set Library to access all your color sets and pick the specific set for your current project.

Click on the color set in the Color Set Library to open it in the Color panel for the current project. Moving an item from the Library to the current project creates a copy, ensuring that any changes made to the copy don't affect the original item in the Library.

Right-click in the Color Set Library panel to rename or remove the selected color set. Here you can also choose to mark the selected color set as a color set with pigment names.

You can also add a new group or delete the selected group of color sets. Rename the group by double-clicking its name, enter the new name of the group and hit Enter. Hide the group using one left mouse button click.

You can re-arrange the list of color sets by dragging a selected set to the desired position.

Import Color Set - Import a custom color set to the Color Set Library.

Add Color Set - Add the currently selected color set from the Color panel to the Color Set Library.

Remove Color Set - Remove the selected color set from the Color Set Library.

The selected color set in the Color panel will be saved into the REB file.

View additional settings for the color set via Color Panel Menu > Color Set:

  • Icon Size - Set small / medium / large / extra large icons for the color swatches in the color set.

  • Show as List - Change the preview of the colors with names.

  • Show Color Names - Show the names of the colors. You can rename the selected color by double-clicking on it.

  • Create Color Set from:

    • Image File - Create a color set from an image. A new color set with 4, 9, 16, 25 or 36 colors will be created.

    • Last Used Colors - Create a color set from colors you recently used for painting.

    • Text File - Create a color set from a text file in .txt or .colors format. The format of a text file should be two columns divided by a tabulator key:

      The first column consists of the Hexa format of the color - RGB channel (e.g. black: #000000).

      The second column consists of the names of the colors. If this column is empty, Rebelle will display the color's name in Hexa format from the first column.

  • Clear - Clear the currently selected color set. All color swatches from the color set will be deleted.

  • Order by:

    • Default - Sort colors by their default position in the color set.

    • Hue - Sort colors by their Hue value. When disabled, the last used colors will be added at the beginning of the list.

    • Lightness - Sort colors by their Lightness value.

Color Panel Menu - Set the additional settings for Color Wheel, Color Sliders, Color History or Color Set or close the Color panel. You can re-open the panel from the Window menu.

Video tutorial

Learn more about Rebelle's Color panel in this video: Redesigned Color Panel.

System Color Palette

After clicking on an actual (primary) color in the upper left corner of the Color panel, a new 'Select Color' window with a System Color Palette appears. This palette looks and behaves differently on Mac OS and Windows:

System Color Palette on Windows

System Color Palette on Mac OS

You can open the System Color Palette also by clicking the Alt + \ shortcut.

For Windows users:

You can pick any color from your screen by clicking on the 'Pick Screen Color' button. Hovering over your screen you'll see the HSV, RGB and HTML parameters of the color.

Using the 'Custom colors' option in the Color Palette window for saving colors is not necessary. If you wish to save your custom color, we recommend you use the 'Add' button directly in the Color panel.