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Properties Panel

Tools have various Properties (presented in the Properties panel) that can be adjusted to serve different methods or effects. Close & reopen the Properties panel from the Window menu or by tapping the F4 shortcut.

The Properties panel shows settings and options related to a selected tool. These basic properties are described below.

Any changes you make to a brush in the Properties panel, for instance, a change to its Size, or its Paint Mode, can be temporary or saved and applied every time you use the same brush.

Use the Save Volumes menu to set how each brush's Properties are treated:

- Save Volumes (Size, Opacity, and Water) into Brush Preset.

- Save Volumes and Paint Mode into Brush Preset.

- Don't Save Volumes and Paint Modes into Brush Preset.

Reset Brush Changes - Reset the selected brush preset to its default (or the last saved) state. (shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H on Windows / Cmd + Shift + H on macOS)

The Brushes Panel can be set to show just the names of brushes, or it can show icons that include visual representations of each brush's saved properties. For instance, icons can show a brush's shape, stroke, and saved volumes. Volumes appear as horizontal lines under the icon representing the brush's volume sliders.

To change the way brush icons are represented, choose the desired options under the Brushes panel menu > Icon.

Line Smoothing Options - Rebelle can help to stabilize your stylus as you use it. You can choose from options to smooth the strokes you make and the pressure you apply. These Line Smoothing Options apply whatever tool you are using.

You can save the Line Smoothing Options to the currently selected brush preset using the 'Save to Brush Preset' button:

  1. Position Smoothing - There are two options for smoothing the strokes or lines drawn with a stylus: Moving Average or Pulled String. The strength of either can be set between minimum and maximum.

    • Moving Average - Calculates a smooth line by averaging the change in position of the stylus as you move it across the canvas. This option will enable you to create smoother lines when painting dynamic strokes with curves and soft corners.

    • Pulled String - Creates a virtual 'string' between the position of the stylus and the mark it draws on the canvas. This option creates smoother lines in your detailed work with sharp corners as it is more precise thanks to the string that pulls the cursor on a more controllable way.

    • No Position Smoothing - No stabilization for the drawings. The cursor follows your stylus or mouse movement without any line smoothing.

  2. Pressure Smoothing - Between Min and Max, sets the level of smoothing applied to changes in the stylus pressure applied as you draw on the canvas.

  3. Pressure Sensitivity - Between Soft and Firm, sets the sensitivity of the changes in pressure. When set to Soft less pressure is required for a greater change (e.g. in size or opacity of the brush stroke), when set to Firm more pressure is required.

You can adjust the Pressure Sensitivity also via the Curve Editor. Open the Curve Editor using the button .

When you adjust the curve, the Pressure Sensitivity slider will be grayed out as the setting from the curve will be used.

To reset the curve back to the default settings, use the Reset button:

Video tutorial

Learn more about Rebelle's Line Smoothing options in this video: Line Smoothing, Pressure Smoothing and Sensitivity.

Properties Panel Menu:

  • Reset Brush Changes - Reset the selected brush preset to its default (the last saved) state.
  • Save Changes as Default - Save any changes made to the selected brush as default.
  • Save as New Brush Preset - Save your brush settings as a new brush preset.
  • Show Sliders - Select which sliders appear in the Properties panel.
  • Use Preset Volumes - Select which volume properties are saved with a brush preset.
  • Close - Close the Properties panel. You can re-open the panel from the Window menu.