Command Line Arguments
To use Rebelle for animations, you need to run Rebelle with special command line arguments listed here.
-no-gui # The whole UI is still shown, just important info/warning/error messages are output to stderr instead of using popup dialog boxes. Especially useful with screen-less setups running with a virtual framebuffer (Xvfb on linux). If you find a way to hide Motion IO's UI on Windows or macOS, please let us know and we can add it to this documentation.
-floating-license-server # don't try to discover the Floating License Server (FLS) on the local network, but use the given ip address for connecting to FLS. 8264 is the default FLS port.
Batch processing
-batch-json PATH # input JSON file, path should be complete.
-batch-start-frame-number INT # number of the first frame (used in paths)
-batch-dont-close-app-when-finished # (since v7.2.3) keep Rebelle opened after processing the input JSON file. Without this argument Rebelle closes automatically.
Setting in/out paths
- Use '#' as a frame number placeholder, e.g. 'file_####.png' creates files 'file_0000.png', 'file_0001.png', etc.
- When the
doesn't contain the file extension, a default one is added. - Paths can be relative or absolute.
- Data with undefined paths are not loaded/saved.
- Valid extensions for RGBA files are: "png", "exr", "tif", "tiff"
- For other files (velocity): "exr"
Data import
- data layer. For possible values see Import/Export Data -> Import data parameters. Deprecated layers types: rgba-dry
, rgba-wet
(Use rgba_dry
, rgba_wet
Setting in paths:
-batch-in-TYPE PATH
-batch-in-rgba_dry "tmp/rgba_dry_####.exr"
Setting in params for bump_dry
, bump_wet
, water
, wetness
, velocity
-batch-in-TYPE-function STRING # See Import section for a list of supported functions.
-batch-in-TYPE-multiplier FLOAT # factor for multiplying loaded data
-batch-in-TYPE-scaling FLOAT # factor for scaling input data, gaps are filled with zeros
-batch-in-TYPE-scaling-factor FLOAT # deprecated. Use -batch-in-TYPE-scaling instead.
-batch-in-TYPE-wait_for_file_timeout_seconds FLOAT # seconds to wait for the input file
-batch-in-velocity-function "add"
-batch-in-velocity-multiplier 1.5
-batch-in-velocity-scaling 2
Setting in params for rgba_dry
, rgba_wet
(for a list of available OPTIONS
, see the Import/Export Data -> Import data parameters section)):
-batch-in-TYPE-function replace # "replace" is the only function applicable to rgba data
-batch-in-TYPE-blending STRING # When the function isn't provided, you can set the blending mode. See Import section for a list of supported blending modes.
-batch-in-TYPE-options OPTIONS # e.g. for specifying color conversion
-batch-in-rgba_dry-blending NORMAL
-batch-in-rgba_dry-options colorconvert:linear:sRGB
Data export
- data layer. For possible values see Import/Export Data -> Export data parameters.
There are two additional layers available for the data export: rgba
and bump
, which are not available for the import. These layers are combined rgba_dry
+ rgba_wet
and bump_dry
+ bump_wet
Setting out paths:
-batch-out-TYPE PATH
-batch-out-rgba "tmp/rgba_####.exr"
Setting out params (for a list of available OPTIONS
, see the Import/Export Data -> Export data parameters section):
-batch-out-TYPE-options OPTIONS
-batch-out-rgba-options tiled_mipmapped,colorconvert:sRGB:linear